Pictures From
The Barony of the Southern Wastes

Welcome to our pictures page! Here are just a few snapshots from some of our revels. Despite a heavily Greco-Roman contingent in our populace at the moment, we've found that togas and chitons just don't cut it in the Southern Wastes. Furs and skins are high fashion down here, so all you Elizabethan and Italian Ren snobs might wish to move on to another page...

Baron (pro tem) Aptenodytes Forsteri
Baron pro tem Aptenodytes Forsteri trying to stay warm.

Baron (pro tem) Aptenodytes Forsteri
"Baron Apten" hogging a heating vent

Our Mean Old Seneschal
Our Seneschal, Lady Halli Patagonica, informs us that our revels now are ended.
L to R: Baron Apten, Lady Halli, Demersus Sphenicus (obscured), Filholi Chrysocome, Pachrhynchus of Fiordland.

Making Pottery
Mendicula Sphenicus practices the art of making pottery.
Background: Pygoscelis the Southerner, Tula von Neu Holland

Supply Guy Jim
It's always a cause for celebration when the supply planes arrive!
Filholi Chrysocome and Albosignata the White check out Supply Guy Jim, with Pachrhynchus of Fiordland's head blocking whatever Albosignata finds so fascinating. I wonder what it is?

Supply Guy Bob in heaven
Baron Apten wondering why he doesn't get this kind of attention.
Supply Guy Bob (reclining) receiving the ministrations of Mendicula Spheniscus, Tula von Neu Holland and Iredalei the Wench, with Baron Aptenodytes looking on in disbelief.

To heck with the dancing, it's time to eat!
L to R: Lady Halli, Humboldt Just Humboldt, Gentoo, Magellanicus of the Three Orbs, Iredalei the Wench

Group Shot
Some of the populace pose for a serious group shot.
Front row: Iredalei the Wench, Baron Apten, Lady Halli.
Second row: Humboldt Just Humboldt, Gentoo, Adeliae the Dreamer.
Third row: Albosignata the White, Megadyptes Antipodes, Imnot Ellworthii.
Back row: Pygoscelis the Southerner, Brutus Patagonica, Demersus Spheniscus, Atratus Flatus.

Snow Miser
St. Snowmisericus
The Patron Saint of the Barony of the Southern Wastes (incipient).

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This is the recognized Web Page for the Incipient Barony of the Southern Wastes of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. The maintainer of this page is Johannes Habernacher (mka John Havershaw). It is not a corporate publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and does not delineate SCA policies. In cases of conflict with printed versions of material presented on this page, the conflict will be decided in favor of the printed version.