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Mistress Abigaille?

Dear Mistress Abigaille

Advice from a real Peer -
so it must be good!

Dear Mistress Abigaille:

Recently while surfing around the Internet, I came across the on-line journals of some members of the SCA. These people post all sorts of things, both about their SCA involvement and their real lives! This looks like fun. Should I start putting all my thoughts and feelings on-line too?

— Potential Diarist in DarkWater

Dear Potential,

Let me get this straight: There are SCAdians out there who put their intimate thoughts, feelings, and opinions out on the WWW for everyone to read? Okay, that's just weird. No good can come of this! These things are going to get read and analyzed and gossiped about. This is far worse than the average SCA e-mail list. Please don't set yourself up for disaster by making an on-line diary! By the way, would you please send me the addresses of the journals you did find? For research purposes only, I assure you.

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