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List of Back Issues
Issue #25 Issue 25 - "Goodbye!"
Event Flyer: TMJ • Famous Celebrities Who Play in the SCA! • Cartoon: This Renaissance World • Overheard Around Trimaris • Can you name this Mystery Peer? • Cartoon: The Household Carnival • The History of Trimaris • Bardspotting for the Novice • Dear Mistress Abigaille • Generic Trimarian Top Ten List • Goodbye from The Quarter • Wacky Woodkut Kaption Kontest
Issue #24 Issue 24 - "We're not dead yet!"
Not Necessarily for Newbies • Top Ten Reasons the Quarter Went on Hiatus • Overheard Around Trimaris • Elizabethan Color or Lewd Euphemism? • SCA Bingo! • Dear Mistress Abigaille • SCA Fashion Tips! • Can You Name This Mystery Peer? • Event Flyer: Res Negotium • What Me Think: "Star Wars: Return of The Quarter" • Wacky Woodkut Kaption Kontest
Issue #23 Issue 23 - "The Hound of Ulster!"
Seneschal's Report • The Trimaris Fashion Report • Overheard at Gulf War and Around Trimaris • Can You Name This Mystery Peer? • Sir Kurn Factoids • Harold at Large • Dear Mistress Abigaille • MORE Overheard Around Trimaris • Top Ten ArtSci Excuses • Helpful SCA Grammar Tips • Poetry Corner: An Ode to Sir Kurn • What Me Think: "Give them the bird!" • Wacky Woodkut Kaption Kontest
Issue #22 Issue 22 - "Mysterious New Event Site!"
Top Ten Things You Don't Want to See at an SCA Event • The Trimaris Fashion Report • Overheard Around Trimaris • A Message from Pope Leo X • Guess the Mystery Peer • A Renaissance Art Pop Quiz! • Special Announcement! • Dear Mistress Abigaille • The Death of Harold Godwinson • Master Nicholas Niccolby's Hapless Hints on Building the Objects of the Middle Ages • Wacky Woodkut Kaption Kontest
Issue #21 Issue 21 - "Worst Front Cover EVER!"
From the Quarter Staff • The Known World Kvetching Symposium • The Trimaris Fashion Report • Vast Inter-Kingdom Conspiracy • Cartoon: This Renaissance World • Another A&S Project From The Quarter • Top Ten SCA Horror Movies • Dear Mistress Abigaille • Guess the Mystery Peer • What Me Think • Wacky Woodkut Kaption Kontest
Issue #20 Issue 20 - "Vingt!"
Mudgeon McGrumpypants vs. The Heralds • The Handicapper's Guide to Fall Crown Tourney • The Trimaris Fashion Report • Top Ten Advertising Slogans for Court • Do You Suffer from Fabric Addiction? • Cartoon: Harold at Large • Dear Mistress Abigaille • What Me Think • Period Baldness Cure • Wacky Woodkut Kaption Kontest
Issue #19 Issue 19 - "Chroniclers Clearing House Sweepstakes"
Overheard at Gulf War XII • The Trimaris Fashion Report • Dear Mistress Abigaille • The Life Cycle of a Trimaris-Temp Discussion • Cartoon: This Renaissance World • Guess the Mystery Peer • Top 11 Things "SCA" doesn't stand for • Advertisement: Got Mead? • What Me Think • A Renaissance Art Pop Quiz! • Local News Update: Squire considers attending fighter practice • Cool things about NOT being a Peer • Wacky Woodkut Kaption Kontest
Issue #18 Issue 18 - "Bat Pelican!"
Top Ten Signs You're Dating a Laurel • The Handicapper's Guide to Spring Crown Tourney • Cartoon: This Renaissance World • Overheard at Fall Coronation • The Trimaris Fashion Report • Announcement: Robinson Crusoe Ball • Dear Mistress Abigaille • Guess the Mystery Peer • What Me Think • Wacky Woodkut Kaption Kontest
Issue #17 Issue 17 - "Golden Age of Comix"
Letter from the Editor • The Trimaris Fashion Report • Overheard at Crown Lyst • Top Ten Excuses for Not Fighting • Letter from the Arts and Sciences Officer • The Tale of Gwrgenau and How He Won Erdudfyl As His Bride • Local News Update: Seneschal Yells "Oyez!" • Mystery Peer! • Dear Mistress Abigaille • What Me Think • Wacky Woodkut Kaption Kontest • Advertisement: Charles Oðinn's Fighter Training Course
Issue #16 Issue 16 - "A Geographie Lesson"
Crown Lyst Betting Guide • The Trimaris Fashion Report • Event Flyer: Cute Lasses & Coarse Hairs • Collectors' Guide to Trimarian Knights Bobbleheads • A True Fact from The Quarter! • Mystery Peer! • Dear Mistress Abigaille • What Me Think • Top Ten Rejected Movies About Heraldry • Wacky Woodkut Kaption Kontest • Web bonus: Full-sized Map of Trimaris (PDF)
Issue #15 Issue 15 - "Bat Knight!"
Letters to The Quarter • The Trimaris Fashion Report • Cartoon: This Renaissance World • Top Ten Gulf Wars Givens • Dear Mistress Abigaille • Overheard at Gulf Wars • Haikus to Pelicans • April Fool's Web Site • Mystery Peer! • What Me Think • A True Fact from The Quarter • Wacky Woodkut Kaption Kontest
Issue #14 Issue 14 - "A Royal Visitation!"
A Reminder from the Quarter Staff • Help Us Get On The Map! • The Handicapper's Guide to the Spring Crown Tournament • Even More Famous People in the SCA! • The Trimaris Fashion Report • Can You Name This Mystery Peer? • Top Ten Super-Secret Gulf Wars Projects from Sir Karl • Advertisement: Martin Lochner in Black Knight • Cartoon: Captain Teutonic vs. MONGOLIO! • Dear Mistress Abigaille • A True Fact from The Quarter • Wacky Woodkut Kaption Kontest
Issue #13 Issue 13 - "Bat Laurel!"
Southern Wastes Contact Information • TBA Event Flyer • The New SCA Dictionary • The Trimaris Fashion Report • Trimarian Court Bingo • The Angriest Seneschal in the World • Top Ten Strange But True SCA-Oriented E-Mail Groups • New Sign Erected at Camp La No Chee • Can You Name This Mystery Peer? • Humor Column: "What Me Think" • Dear Mistress Abigaille • Wacky Woodkut Kaption Kontest
Issue #12 Issue 12 - "Wanna Bet?"
Special Announcement! And A Reminder... • The Handicapper's Guide to The Fall Crown Tournament AS XXXVI • Dear Mistress Abigaille • Top Ten Signs You've Got an SCA Ego Problem • More Famous People in the SCA • Cartoon: Harold at Large • A "Brief" Introduction to the Codpiece! • Can You Name This Mystery Peer? • The Trimaris Fashion Report • Humor Column: "What Me Think" • Wacky Woodkut Kaption Kontest
Issue #11 Issue 11 - "What, no cartoons?"
From the Quarter Staff • Top Ten List: Least Popular Trimarian Guilds • The Trimaris Fashion Report • Can You Name This Mystery Peer? • True Fact: Roman Vomitoria • A Roman Joke • Dear Mistress Abigaille • Local News Update: Lady Urges Her Lord To Fight For Her In Crown Lyst • Humor Column: "What Me Think" • Wacky Woodkut Kaption Contest • Bonus Top Ten List: Cool Things About The Quarter's Web site
Issue #10 Issue 10 - "An Homage to the Peers"
The Trimaris Fashion Report • Overheard Around the Kingdom • Match the Laurel with the Little-Known Fact • Can you name this Mystery Peer? • Match the Peerage with the Description • Cartoon: One Crown Lyst... • Dear Mistress Abigaille • Advertisement: Sally Struthers for the Center for Heraldry Home Correspondence Course • Local News Update: Out-of-Kingdom Girlfriend Unsubstantiated • Cartoon: The Angriest Seneschal in the World • Correction • Top Ten Signs You're At A Bad Event • Wacky Woodkut Kaption Kontest
Issue #9 Issue 9 - "BOHICA!"
An Apology • Another Apology • Dear Mistress Abigaille • The Countess Honoree Dollar Coin • The Trimaris Fashion Report • Poetry Corner: SCA Haikus • A Period Joke • TRUE FACTS! • Choosing an SCA Name • The Quarter's Guide to Trimarian Guilds • A Millennial Top Ten List of Influential Guys • Top Ten Signs You'll Never Be A Peer • Wacky Woodkut Caption Kontest!
Issue #8 Issue 8 - "SCA Today"
Personal Ad • From The Quarter Staff • Top Ten Rejected Articles Submitted To The Quarter • The Trimaris Fashion Report • The Adventures of Captain Teutonic • Missing Squire Report: Tatheg O'Brian • Correction • The Flowers of the Trimarian Chivalry • SCA-TV Guide • Dear Mistress Abigaille • Advertisement: simSCA • Lord Nebbish's Heraldic Corner • Wacky Woodkut Caption Kontest!
Issue #7 Issue 7 - "Celebrities!"
Think you got what it takes...? • From The Quarter Staff • The Trimaris Fashion Report • Legends of the SCA • Other Famous People in the SCA! • The Quarter's Guide to Entertaining Yourself While Waiting For Court to Start • Quote du Jour • Dear Mistress Abigaille • Poetry Corner: A Sonnet • Top Ten Things Henry VIII Would Say If He Were Around Today • Local News Update: Apprentice Loses Sleep... • Bog Bodies: Faces From The Past • Wacky Woodkut Kaption Kontest!
Issue #6 Issue 6 - "Bigfoot Joins The SCA!"
An Apology • Gulf Wars Wrap-Up • Overheard at Gulf Wars (and Elsewhere) • Top Ten Things We DIDN'T See Or Hear (But Wish We Had) at Gulf Wars • The Trimaris Fashion Report • Avoiding Love in the SCA • Dear Mistress Abigaille • Tips for Turning Tricks • How to pronounce Welsh • The Angriest Seneschal in the World • It's A-Maze-Ing! • Psychic Predictions
Issue #5 Issue 5 - "Gesundheit!"
An Apology • From The Quarter Staff • The Trimaris Fashion Report • Advertisement: The Dominitrix Guild • Squire Rodney's Internet Tips • Advertisement: All Things Dead • Dear Mistress Abigaille • Top Ten List: Top Ten Heralds' Pickup Lines • Local News Update: SCA Member Makes T-Tunic • Bonus Top Ten List: Top Ten Questions Asked of Elizabethan Personas • A Perioid Joke • Favourite Elizabethan Songbook! • Factum Enimvero (As a Matter of Fact) • Wacky Woodkut Kaption Kontest!
Issue #4 Issue 4 - "Mystery Men of the Middle Ages"
Meet Drusilla! • From The Quarter Staff • What Type of SCAdian Are You? • Saints and Their Mutant Powers • The Trimaris Fashion Report • Cartoon: Tom Yesterday • Dear Mistress Abigaille • Top Ten Rejected Promotional Slogans for the SCA • Event Flyer: Gathering of the Clowns • Classified Ads • Cartoon: Dead Men Tel No Tales • Better Living Through Astrology
Issue #3 Issue 3 - "Interviews"
Mission Statement and Disclaimer • Top Ten Ways to Make Crown Lyst More Exciting • Meet A Peer • The Trimaris Fashion Report • A Bit of Animal History • Dr. John Dee's Lucky Astrology Diet • Dear Mistress Abigaille • Event Flyer: Viking Panty Raids • Interview With a Herald • Factum Enimvero (As a Matter of Fact) • Wacky Woodkut Kaption Kontest
Issue #2 Issue 2 - "Leonardo!"
From The Quarter Staff • The Trimaris Fashion Report • Trimarian Intelligencer • Advertisement: Maybe Medieval • Kids 'N' Komix • Letter from the Guildmaster's Guild • Dear Mistress Abigaille • Leonardo Factoids • Top Ten Least Popular Removes at Feasts • It's A Fact! • Directions to Camp Ishmael • Meeting Change • Erasmus: Brilliant Mind of the Renaissance • Bonus Poster: Leonardo!
Issue #1 Issue 1 - "It Begins!"
A Letter of Introduction • The Handicapper's Guide to Crown Tournament • Top Ten Perks of Winning Crown Tournament • The Quarter Classified

The Quarter - If someone isn't offended, it probably isn't funny!