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The Trimaris Fashion Report

& other things happening around the Kingdom
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Oh. My. Gawd. Flamingos. Racing cars. Killer robots. Bats. But is it fashion? Certainly not, but it was a heckuva lot of fun!

Dude, you're wearing a dress!

We need a big round of applause for our Luau hosts — Earl Gregory Ahern, Countess Maisie of Dunbarton and chips-and-salsa-hat-wearin' Count Martin von Lochner of "Martinritaville" tiki bar fame. These people, and their wonderful staff of volunteer bartenders, provided all festive libations free for the populace that attended. It was a heck of a breaking-in party for our newly found event site. There were some awesome tunics at the luau — delightfully tacky and innovative.

Posing with Posies

Ser Severin Visconti sported a King of Zamunda ensemble complete with fez, white fox fur and leopard print tunic. (The addition of the party coconut breasts was a mere afterthought.) Baroness Madeleine de Somerville's tunic was of star constellations. What made this particular tunic outstanding were her mini flashlight and the fact that the constellations glowed in the dark. Ask her to demonstrate! Trimaris' first-ever triple Peer, Earl Benen MacTire, was a collage consisting of a blue Hawaiian shirt, yellow and orange sarong, and JD head wrap. Ouch! HL Quintana Amena de Lyons was Jack and Coke — complete with straws — go ahead and ask for a sip. I dare you!

Although not in a funky tunic, fabled "stuffy" Laurel Master Godfrey de Shipbrook sported festive party umbrellas in his Snoogans cap.

What is that? A mirror? A fan? A hairy lollipop?

This just in — Duke Baldar Langstriter provided the party tent and the generator. (And also the inspiration for Duke Gaston de Vieillechamps' and Duchess Judith Maryse's tunics — from one of his past coronation ceremonies garb. Yikes!) Vivat!


The weather was nice, the hall was roomy and the populace in attendance was festively attired! Mistress Genevieve, our current KMOAS, was wearing all documentable Viking colors in her Viking ensemble. Wow, what a palette! Lady Grania Ni Carroll wore a green and brown Anglo-Saxon. Lady Zephyrine was wearing a beautifully tailored men's cotehardie — just like her knight. Sir Gaston wore a blue cotehardie accented with white trim and white tippets, and complemented with black hosen, black pointy shoes and a black hat. There are some veeeeeery well dressed Knights out there in very period garb — and attending A&S no less. VIVAT!

At least I know that's a hat. Or is it?

Hon. Lady Adelheid Leinwater sported a very nice German Renaissance gown that looked like it was a compilation of several portraits. Hon. Lady Arianne de Chateaumichel was adorned in burgundy bliaut that was trimmed in blue. Her grey cloak and white veil completed a very lovely outfit. Lady Ursula Aveline Handler was also dressed simply in a bodice, skirt and head kerchief. Appropriate for what she was doing (because sometimes merchanting can be hard work), she looked comfortable as she went about her duties. Sometimes simplicity speaks louder. Not that there's anything wrong with embellishment! Far from it, I'd say. But sometimes the well-made plain outfit stands out far above the bling-bling.

The Quarter - Welcome to the Kingdom, Baby!