One of my favorite authors asks and answers, "what is fashion?" It is surely a make, a shape, a style or a manner. Some definitions suggest that fashion refers to the usages of an upper class society, and others imply that fashion is a habit or a custom — especially, but not necessarily, in dress.
Well, I'm here to pass judgement on the fashion of Trimaris. This is just my opinion, and well, you know what they say about opinions.
Let's start with the overabundance of fleur-de-lis paraphernalia
at Winter Arts and Sciences — fabrics,
pins, necklaces, you name it! You couldn't
help but NOT see those things wherever
you turned. Now, I know some of the ladies
of this kingdom have this sport sometimes
called "I'm wearing more fleurs than you",
and it takes place at almost every SCA
event in Trimaris I've ever participated in.
Some of the heavy hitters in this league are (in no particular
order): Duchess Elspeth, Duchess Anastasia (watch
out — she's been known to snatch a fleur or two off someone
when they're not looking!), Countess
Rosabel, H.L. Dulcia MacPherson,
Sir Elizabeth Mortimer, Lady Elizabeth
de Whitney, Mistress Lisabetta and
Master Iefan. These people are the most
affected by this affliction to wear fleurs. And,
I must say, this affliction is spreading. I have
seen a die-hard early period persona with
a fleur-de-lis on her person. (Yeah, Fiona
they know it's you. Be careful!) I'd like to
make a suggestion to Their Majesties
Trimaris to change the symbol of the kingdom
from a triskele to a fleur-de-lis. You will
have instantaneous visual support!
A lot of fabulous fashion statements were being made at Winter A&S. Take the Company of the Swan as a wonderful example. They hosted a well-attended pas d'armes in the afternoon. Not only did they supply refreshments and an afternoon of chivalric sports, the company was dressed in pristine matching burgundy surcoats with white swans on them.
I must comment on a lady that was in attendance at the pas. I believe her name is Isabeau. She was wearing a beautiful Burgundian gown with a truncated henin and veil. This lady stepped out of a tournament manuscript. Bravo Isabeau! While were on the subjects of manuscripts, another lady that looked like a portrait was H.L. Dulcia. She wore a sideless surcoat with her and her lord's arms appliqued on it. From head to toe, she could have posed for her own version of the Lutrell Psalter. In the A&S hall, Milady Ginevra Visconti was being judged for costuming on the body for replicating exactly Leonardo da Vinci's "La Belle Ferroniere". She did the headwear, necklace and trim just perfectly. Thank you ladies, for your extraordinary efforts.
Earl Benen MacTire, up to his antics again, is still dressing well. He was wearing a white and gold Saxon tunic last time I saw him. Lady Jane Devereaux, freshly apprenticed to Duchess Elspeth, was wearing a very pretty Elizabethan at Winter A&S. Sir Morgan Attalus has the coolest Greek armor. Check it out ladies, he's got nice legs too. My favorite fashion event is just around the corner — St. George's Faire. The men, the chivalry, the fabulous outfits. See you there!