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Missing Squire Report:
Tatheg O'Brian

TRIMARIS - Five wild children, known as smalls, attacked Tatheg O'Brian in the feasthall at this year's Trimaris Memorial Tourney. Spectators looked on in horror as he was poked and tickled after a prolonged chase around the room. His present whereabouts are unknown.

Much to his surprise, his squire's belt was used against him as the gang attempted to drag him across the floor. After he was overpowered by a clever trick that tripped him over one carefully placed small as the others pulled on his belt, they tried to drag his body off. Since he may have been too heavy, we fear that for these determined youngsters may have quartered him for easy transportation.

Tatheg will be remembered fondly as a kind man. Among his many accomplishments in our Society, he was a member of the Company of the Swan, a grand tournament company. He was supposed to assume the responsibilities of the Office of the Minister of the Lists and organize the fighters' pavilions for the upcoming Crown Tournament. He is survived by his knight, Sir Ian ben Dubh.

We can only assume the worst at this time. The victim was forced to play "tag" and "ring-around-the-rosie" for hours on end before his presumed demise. He may be disoriented and delirious from lack of adult conversation and small talk. Any information leading to his whereabouts should be sent in writing to

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