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Armor Up! The Barony of the Southern Wastes (incipient)

TBA Event!
(As seen in the Talewinds Calendar!)

Champion of the Wastes Lands Lyst (weather permitting)

Penguin Coursing from the Southern Wastes Penguin Coursers and Herders Guild (weather permitting)

Sad widdle pengwin... Oyez Yelling Contest (weather permitting)

Authentic Whale Blubber and Cous Cous Feast *!

McMurdo Station Playhouse, Building #064, Antarctica
Date: TBA

Event Staff:

Autocrat: Eudyptula the Really Little (mka Doris Lipschitz)
Feast-o-crat: Iredalei the Wench (mka Iredalei Wadsworth)
Reservation-crat: TBA

* Don't tell PETA! "Come on down, the
weather's fine!"
Lots of booze!
Directions to McMurdo Station:
Directions to McMurdo
Follow the arrow
Have some frop! Praise 'Bob'!  Or kill me!

The Quarter - If someone isn't offended, it probably isn't funny!