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Fun Time With The Quarter!

Which is it: An Elizabethan Color or Lewd Euphemism?

Test your knowledge of period words with this handy quiz! To check your answers, hover your mouse pointer over the word or phrase in question.

I'm your biggest fan!
  1. Puke
  2. French Velvet
  3. Gooseturd
  4. Clodie
  5. Country Matters
  6. Rat
  7. Dying Spaniard
  8. Pimpillo
  9. Bone Ache
  10. Drab
  11. Maiden's Blush
  12. Pistol
  13. Flaxseed
  14. Pillicock
  15. Milk-and-Water
  16. Foutre
  17. French Malady
  18. Plunket

Color names found in the chart "16th Century Color names"; naughty words found in the book Naughty Shakespeare by Michael Macrone (Cader Books, 1997)

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