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Goodbye from The Quarter

It will only lead to tears

Hello Trimaris! Just wanted to let you know that The Quarter is going to a web-only format for the time being. From time to time we may produce a printed betting guide for crown lyst (if our oddsmaker feels particularly motivated), but the expense of printing each issue is putting a strain on our pocketbook. We did the math and figured out we've printed over 20,000 pieces of paper! The treehuggers among us are upset about that, as are our critics; both groups seem to object to such a blatant waste of paper. So check us out at! You can sign up to recieve notification each time we update.

Thanks, and have a great event,

Kathryne d'Inkepenne and The Quarter Staff

Hi! Johannes Habernacher, The Quarter's Webminister here! While the move to an all-Web format is the end of an era for The Quarter, we'd like to hope it'll help us better serve the SCA humor-based population. For one thing, more frequent updates, as opposed to just four times a year. For another, we can do more things which just weren't feasible in a paper-based format: more multimedia offerings, longer and more esoteric articles, and so on! We'll move to a new look soon, one less tied to our paper-based format. See you then!

Well, either that or we'll just die an ignominious death, unremarked upon by all. One of the two.

The Quarter - Fun With A Purpose