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Top Ten Rejected Articles

Submitted To The Quarter

10. Any well-written story with a shred of journalistic integrity
9. "Blahd, the Klingon Elizabethan - A Persona Sketch"
8. "Fourth Peerage Fun 'n' Games"
7. "Kingdom Law Esoterica"
6. "Integrating Mime Into the SCA"
5. "What We Love About the BOD"
4. "Pelican Lore"
3. "Match the Sweaty T-Tunic with Its Naked Squire - A Pictorial Essay"
2. "Herald-O-Rama"
1. "The Rumor Mill"

Your article or idea for an article can be rejected too! (Or accepted, The Quarter Staff is lazy and prone to run out of ideas!) E-mail us at

The Quarter - We kid because we love.