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The Trimaris Fashion Report

(and other things happening around the Kingdom)

Lady reading

Ever wonder why some people always wear the same color all the time? Like, have you ever seen a person wandering around site that always wears blue? The meaning of colors played an important part in the medieval world. Blue, partly because of its connection with the Virgin Mary, became the color of fidelity, and was allowed to be worn by every class in the 13th century.

However, in some countries, blue was the color for adulterous wives (it's true). Green stood for love, gray for sorrow, yellow for hostility. Red, on the other hand, was strongly connected to the nobility. It is notable that black and gray, colors of lower-status people in the Early Middle Ages, were worn in the 15th century by the high aristocracy and royal personages.

CROWN TOURNEY - While sitting in the shade and enjoying the pageantry of Trimaris' Crown Tournament, you can not help but enjoy the view. I don't know about the rest of you ladies out there, but this is a prime spot to check out all the fine-looking, armor-clad men we have here in the land of the three seas. After all, Ladies Galleries were meant to check out the players. What girl wouldn't sit in the gallery, hoping to catch a gallants eye with a wave of her embroidered hanky? I mean really. Pomp and heraldry and courtly love were all represented - but, you gotta be sure there were a couple of ladies hoping to score on the dance floor later that night with the winner of the pas d'armes. With all of this information in hand, did I check out the men on the field.

I have to start with Iron Chef Mongolia. No, that's not his real name, it's Lord Zhedai Negaiv, but that's too hard to remember. Not only did he have a giant presence on the field as a fab looking Mongolian warrior, but upon his arm was a vision of Irish beauty in the form of Hon. Lady Muirenn ingen ui Ceilleachair. What a great combination of purple and gold! Give it up for Honorable Lord Drell MacIan Blackwood and Countess Lillian Claire de Chateauroux in an eye-popping red and black entourage. Everyone was in red and black, but everyone was different. It was very nice. And let's talk about consistency in color again - the red and yellow procession of Lord Stephen Godwin fitz Baldric and Lady Sireena de Artepeous. OH MY GAWD! Were not those beautiful Roman ladies? Lady Sireena - you were a vision - and I'm not just blowing smoke here - but wow! The red and gold fabric was draped so lovely over your person. You should wear that outfit more often. It's to die for. I have to mention the procession of blue cavaliers - even though I feel terrible I did not write down your names! Please know that you were noticed by the fashion hound. And speaking of dogs, Earl Sir Brendan and Lord Estevan's processions each sported a brace of greyhounds. Nice touch. I'm happy to hear that the Trimarian Coursing College is coming on strong, and already supported by these two nice boys.

BARONIAL BASH MASQUED BALL - Although this was planned as a "come as your period opposite" themed ball, a bunch of creative folks decided to spoof other people instead. I must write about this event since I did not expect such a side-splitting turnout of parody! Curiously, there were Laurel impersonators and Knight imposters - but no send-up on any Pelicans? (Hmmm, the power that group wields must be great to impose such fear in satire.) There were three Dulcias - one wore a cool coronet, two wore blonde wigs, two had her actual garb on, and one was a man! (Compliment or casualty of peerage? You decide!) But it was the Knights, I have to say, that have the best sense of humor. Newly knighted Sir Yoan Moon Yang had some big shoes to fill with his parody of Duke Bytor. Ser Severin became Earl Toirdhealbhach (or Tear-lock for the phonetic translation of the Irish language), Sir Cadwydd became Ser Severin, and Countess Maisie became Duke Mittion! (If there was a contest that night, she would've won hands down.)

Besides all the spoofing going on, there were some gentles who did come as their period opposite. Countess Honoree wore an Elizabethan, and boy did she look great. Their Most Trimarian Majesties came as Republicans of the Roman Empire. His Highness, Sir Odo donned an Arabian Knight outfit, and Her Highness, Lady Elena, transformed into Robin Hood. Sir Roland, bad-ass knight with a rattan stick, came as a fencer. Ouch!

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