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A Bit of Animal History

from The Guiness Book of World Records 1492

A most popular elephant

Hanno, the elephant given by King Manual of Portugal to Pope Leo X in 1514, became the most popular animal in Rome. Its arrival was celebrated in a ceremonial procession through the city, culminating in a reception at the Castle Santangelo. In the act of supreme irreverance, the elephant filled its trunk with perfumed water and sprayed the pope and Church dignitaries three times just as the church bells began to ring and cannons were fired.

The most dangerous creature

The world's most dangerous creatures (excluding man) are the malarial mosquitoes which, if we exclude wars and accidents, have probably been responsible directly or indirectly for 50% of all human deaths since the Stone Age.

Imaginary birds

Barnacle geese were believed to form in pods which grew on barnacle trees in the Orkneys, off the west coast of Scotland. When the pod ripened and fell off the tree into the water, geese would emerge feet first. Those that fell to earth perished and came to nothing. (Editor's Note: This is from the people who believe in the Loch Ness Monster!)

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