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An Apology

We at The Quarter would like to apologize to the following people or groups of people who we may have offended in the past year or so: Members of the BoD, minstrels, Knights, Elizabethan personas, vegetarians, football fans, men-at-arms, Atkin's Diet adherents, Ansteorrans, Pelicans, Dons, heralds, merchants, bards, early period personas, space aliens, Boy Scouts, Sir Fredrich Karl Kyberg, proteges, seneschals, feast servers, cows, Laurels, cous cous affectionados, fencers, squires, pagans, late period personas, Canadians, ditch diggers, people who support a fourth peerage (Gotcha!! We're not really sorry about that one!), Doumbek players, ren-faire attendees, sheep, apprentices, Atlantians, people on Prozac, vegans, guild members, authenticity "Nazis", motorcycle gang members, Scotsmen, Arch Dukes, Shakespearean actors, Middle Eastern personas, Trident the Talewinds Mascot, Meridians, and Master Jarnakar - yes, you DO have more hair than we depicted.

(Note to alert readers who have submitted ideas for articles — thank you. You have no idea how much your input helps, as we are lazy and prone to writers' block. We'll be using your ideas in upcoming editions. If we used them all in this one, people would come to expect bigger, better editions of The Quarter. No one wants that, least of all us! — Editor)

The Quarter - We give good kids bad ideas