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The Trimaris Fashion Report

(and other things happening around the Kingdom)
Lady reading

People live in their clothes.

Whatever they wear, people always find the least troublesome way of managing their clothes. So if you do as the original wearers did you will have far more freedom in your clothes. But people have always been concerned with more than ease and comfort. They want to look as attractive as possible according to the ideas of their time; to show off their clothes to the best advantage; and most people conform to current ideas of propriety. The weight, shape and stiffness or otherwise of your clothes — including underclothes — affects your posture and balance; so you must always know what people wore under their clothes before you can tell how they moved.

— "The Wearing of Costume" by Ruth M. Geen

Pilgrimage to Santiago

"The route to Santiago was a Roman trade-route. It was nicknamed by travelers lavoje ladee, the Milky Way. The Pope was persuaded to give a plenary indulgence (total remission of all sins) to all who completed the Pilgrimage. The fall of Jerusalem to the Turks in 1078 left Rome and Santiago as the two Great Pilgrimage sites."

Look!  Afghani women's clothing is period!

Hence the preface for this very cool event. Everyone who's anyone was there. This event was so well planned out that there were classes taught way ahead of time so you'll know what's going on and why people are dressed a certain way. Baron Taliesynne was clad in a white tunic emblazoned with a red cross, a white cloak and a red hat — looking verrrry important, dude. Baron Damien, and Mistress Ysabela were dressed in simple tunics. You wouldn't know that Duchess Elspeth was even there since she was dressed as a pilgrim as well. Cowls covered their heads and were then topped off with a black hat with a pilgrim's badge. Goodness — it was the only fashion accessory except for some prayer beads! Does anyone remember Master Geoffrey of Lincoln? Well, even he was there. Clad in black from head to toe and looking as handsome and as imposing as ever in his Hospitaller uniform. This man knows how to accessorize with chain mail, metal headgear and appropriate ominous presence. For cool, historical re-enactment, you should all plan on attending next year, so take a gander at the site <> and get prepared for a real treat.

P.S. This fab event is brought to you by the same group responsible for St.George's Faire!

Hero of the Chalice

Whaddaya mean, I only got a 3 for it?

The Coursing College is underway and wow, if you haven't had a chance to check out the doggies yet, you should. Not only is it fast-paced action, but it really is something to see those greyhounds lose their minds and chase the lure all around the field. The greyhounds come in all sizes and colors, and so do the people with them! Lady Ginevra Visconti chose to cross-dress in her Italian Renaissance time period, and wears boy clothes when her greyhound is doing laps around the field. It's a cute little doublet with a skirt and puffy sleeves. But the best part of her outfit is the tube-hat with the feather sticking straight up. After that, she ditched the boy clothes completely and donned a iobeelt Elizabethan! Yes, it was all made out of bee brocade and velvet - even her partlet. But if you ask me, the best part of her outfit was the top hat. It was muy cool. Speaking of cool, everyone needs to be aware not to refer to Countess Nadira as Countess Nadira anymore. She's now Countess Teresa, and she's Portuguese. Gone are the beautiful Persian coats for they have been replace with tailored 13th century gowns. Zounds! She looks super in European garb.

Making an impressive showing on the tourney field was Team Ech Dubh. They were all sporting burgundy and gray-trimmed tabards with the black horse proudly painted on their chests. Even the youngest member of the house, Milady Rialee (she just turned two), looked pretty spiff in her tabard as well.

Winter A&S Faire

Watch where you point that thing!

What a wonderful event. The A&S hall was filled with all kinds of entries from casting to costuming. Classes were taught and everyone seemed to have a good time. Among all the beautiful displays were some gorgeous Burgundian gowns in all colors of the rainbow from purple to royal blue. Their Majesties looked oh-so-Trimarian with wavy dags lining the sleeves of the houppelands they wore for this festive occasion. I heard that Her Majesty even danced in her gown, with the four-foot train behind her. For those of you interested in the "big, pointy hat" fashion of Burgundy, check out this awesome article by Lady Lyonnete Vibert at

And while I'm dishing on the Queen — has her wardrobe been beautiful or what? She looks regal in whatever she wears, from blue bliauts to a purple tunic with a gold Chinese cote floating around her. This lady, who, truth be told, I had never heard of until Sir Odo made his presence known upon the field that fateful day, has really made me appreciate his choice in consorts, as well as watching her wardrobe blossom in fabulous medieval fashion. Although she does not sew herself, there have been many willing folk who have made both Their Majesties' clothing, including Lady Arianne de Chateaumichele, Baroness Elizabeth de Whitney and Mistress Finnoughuala Suile Uaini. Nice job, Ladies!

One last thing I'd like to mention, and that's about that evening's festivities. Not only was there an over-the-top Caroso Ball, but a 50th birthday celebration was held for Duke Merowald (who doesn't look a day over 49), and a lovely concert presented by the Calais Concert. They performed both period music (which was sometimes too raunchy and made HRM Odo blush), and a variety of lively and comical tunes you can laugh along with.

That's one thing I really love about this club. There's always some thing cool going on around you, and cool people to share the evening with.

The Quarter - No One Is Safe!