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The Trimaris Fashion Report

Fashion terms everyone can use!
Lady reading

Greetings to the people of Trimaris and the Known World,

It is with deepest regret that my last report found you all a little perturbed with me. Not only did I not follow my regularly scheduled format for my column, but I understand that there were some letters to the Editor about how some of the early period personas were miffed at me for my remarks about Viking clothing.

Grrr. Arrrgh!

To quote myself, "The only Viking I see out there worth her salt is the Honorable Lady Caitlin ni Dhubhghaill." Well, to defend myself, I was on the right track with Caitlin. Her lovely Viking attire is so matter of fact that she looked perfect when called up for her surprise elevation to the Order of the Laurel. So don't be too terribly upset with me.

I want to make good to all of you, so here goes. Back to our program, already in progress.

Benedicta tu in mulberrybush...

VIKING FABRIC TRIVIA: Statistically, fewer finds of known clothing-related textiles exist for Viking men than for Viking women. This is largely because textiles are most often preserved by proximity to metal (in jewelry or other grave goods) or tannin (from wood) in a protected inhumation (ground burial); but many men in the pagan Viking Age were cremated rather than buried. Inhumation customs also seem to have differed somewhat for men and women. Women were buried wearing a great deal of their jewelry, including metal brooches and pins. This meant that any textiles in the immediate area of a brooch or pin, such as an undergarment or overgarment, had a chance of surviving. Men, on the other hand, required fewer pieces of jewelry to hold together their garments than women did, which meant that less garment metal went into a man's grave than into a woman's. From the incredibly cool website: An Archaeological Guide to Viking Men's Clothing (© 1993 Carolyn Priest- Dorman.

Does this make my butt look big?

ARTS & SCIENCES AGAIN? Due to the shift in A&S Events, we had three this year. The third and final A&S just happened, and there were lots of lovely people milling about. Mistress Genevieve La Rousse, our own KMOAS, looked pretty in her flashy but sophisticated teal and rust Viking. Newest knight (until today) Sir Lorcan sported his hand sewn knighting clothes that included hand spun and woven trim made especially for his elevation day by his fiancée, Lady Grainne O'Carroll. The handmade shoes that he made himself complemented his total ensemble. Come to think of it, their entire family was in beautiful Viking attire, and it all made for a lovely display. Young Squire Thorsten sported Nordic styles in court, including shoes and bands of trim to hold his trousers in place. Very practical and authentic. Double bonus points for you. Sir Cadwyd Enwir and Roland the Red wore leg wraps that complemented their Romanesque armor on the field. And hey, have you guys been noticing those very detailed helmets that Roland has been making? You all should check them out.

Mistress Gianetta Remigio Wesler and her assistants were picture perfect as Italian working ladies in the "herbal room". Wasn't that cool? The Oldenfeld Ensemble were all decked out in late period attire for their A&S entry as well as their live musical accompaniment to the dancing. Last but never least, Queen Elena was in full-on Elizabethan (including hoops and corset) for an evening of dance. You just get down with your bad self, Your Majesty.

And talking about the Queen, have you guys seen her wearing her cool period shoes? Ask her to lift up her dress next time you see her so you can check them out. Really, she won't mind.

The Quarter - Beware the Penguins!